Complaint Policy & Procedure
We take complaints seriously. We do our very best to make all customers feel like they are taken care of and we want to hear from you. If a mistake was made or a situation was less than desired please reach out to us. Our goal is to provide fair, transparent, quality service and your feedback helps. Comments, complaints, criticism, and feedback are welcome and will be responded to by following the procedures below.
- First, please try to work with an employee or manager but if they can't resolve the issue or you can't get in touch with them as quickly as you'd like:
- Filing a Formal Complaint. Mail, call, or email us via the contact information below and including the following information:
- A description of the complaint, employees you spoke with, and what you think is needed to resolve the issue to your satisfaction or improve our service in the future.
- Background about who you are, including contact information (home address, email and phone), a contract or customer number and/or birthday to search for your records, and indicate whether this is a first-time formal complaint or feedback from a previously filed complaint.
Once we have the complaint we will reach out and let you know it is received. In that notice provided to you, we will give you a team rep's information to work directly with. We will diligently look for answers and if required or reasonable, provide assistance, accommodations, or resolution solutions.
Pure Debt Solutions Corporation
Legal Department
ATTN: Compliance Officer
1665 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard
Suite 200
West Palm beach Fl 33401
We do our best to resolve the complaint or issue at the time it occurs but understand that you may have more questions, want more clarity or resolution. Please reach out to us so we can better serve you.
Sincerely, Pure Debt Solutions Corporation
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- Hits: 4043